I recently needed help identifying bathroom bugs, and now I am here to help you figure out which bathroom bug is plaguing you.
It’s essential to take note of where you see the bathroom bugs to get a proper identification. For instance, if you see jumping bugs in the shower, they might be drain flies. On the other hand, if you see a reddish bug near the hamper, it might be a bed bug.
Bathroom Bugs Identification
- Bathroom Bugs Identification
- American Roaches
- Ants
- Bed Bugs
- Booklice
- House Centipedes
- Drain Flies – Moth Flies (Bathroom Bugs Identification)
- Fruit Flies
- German Roaches
- Lice
- Mosquitoes
- Silverfish
- Spiders
- Springtails
- Termites
- Wood Roaches (Bathroom Bugs Identification)
- How To Get Rid of Bathroom Bugs?
- How To Get Rid of Red Worms in Bathroom?
- How To Get Rid of Ants in a Standup Shower?
- List of Little Black Bugs in Bathroom
- Toilet Bugs – What Bug Could Be Living in Your Toilet?
- Final Thoughts for Bathroom Bugs – Identification
Our list below of 15 bathroom bugs will help you figure out what bugs you have and what to do to eliminate them.
There are many reasons you might see a bug in your bathroom. Whereas some of the reasons why a bug is in your bathroom are:
- Moisture – many bugs are attracted to mildew and moisture.
- Clogged drains – your drains may be clogged, allowing bugs to breed.
- Litter box – Many bugs, like roaches, are attracted to cats’ litter.
- A drain trap is dry – insects might be more prone to make their way through the drain if your catch is dry.
- Hitchhiker – a bug can get dropped off in a bathroom if it falls off your clothing.
- Crumbs – if you tracked food debris into the washroom, you’ll likely attract bugs.
- Leaking pipes – some bugs find their way in because of water.
- Mildew and soap build-up – if your shower walls have a lot of scum build-up, you may invite bugs to feast on this.
American Roaches

We know seeing a roach in the bathroom is horrifying for many people. Furthermore, nobody wants to be on the toilet and see a bug scurrying by. In fact , cockroaches are known for being dirty, and their presence can mean that there is fecal matter and other unsanitary debris nearby.
Whereas learning the answer to “what do cockroaches eat?” will help you control them in your bathroom. Roaches can also spread disease, so taking action is crucial if you see one in your bathroom.
How to Identify
- Size is over 30mm
- Reddish brown (they are one of the common brown bugs in a house) with two antennae
- Fast moving
- More frequently seen at the night
How to Get Rid of Roaches in the Bathroom
- Place sticky traps in the bathroom to help you catch and identify what type of roach is in your bathroom.
- Calk any openings or cracks where electrical wires or pipes come through.
- Next, use a towel to dry up all water residue in the tub.
- Make sure to run water in your drains and add a touch of bleach each evening before bed. Doing this will ensure your drain traps don’t dry out.
- Lastly, clean and sanitize all kitchen surfaces since this is likely where they will infest.
Unfortunately, seeing ants in the bathroom is a common and frustrating problem. They are tiny creatures but can quickly build their numbers and become an infestation.
Furthermore, ants are attracted to moisture, wood, and food. So you will find them near the sink, in the shower, or around the toilet. Remember, if you see ants in your bathroom, you must take action to get rid of them.
How to Identify (Bathroom Bugs Identification)
- Size ranges from 2 – 20 mm depending on what type of ant you have.
- Ant color will range from black to brown to red.
- They have two antennae, a round abdomen, and three body segments.
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How to Get Rid of Ants in the Bathroom
- In fact, if you have tiny sugar-type ants, use Terro ant baits wherever you see them. These Terro baits work wonders; usually, you’ll see an increase in ants for the first few days. Evidently, it will slowly but surely knock out the whole colony.
- Use sticky traps for your bathroom bug identification. Furthermore, sticky traps allow you to see what kind of bug you are dealing with.
- Check the outside perimeter of your house, particularly the wall and windows outside the bathroom. However, you’ll need to get some outdoor ant baits if you see ant trails.
Bed Bugs
In fact, if you see a bed bug in the bathroom, you have cause for concern. Bed bugs aren’t known for living in bathrooms, so if you see one, you’ll need to figure out where it came from.
In some cases, it might mean that it’s a hitchhiker, and there are no other ones in your home. However, once you find a bed bug in your bathroom, you’ll need to inspect your entire home thoroughly. This is also true if you see a bed bug in the kitchen.
How to Identify
- Size ranges from 1.5 – 5mm.
- It’s a flat reddish bug with six legs and two antennae.
- You can text us a photo of the bug, and we can help you ID it.
How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs in the Bathroom
- Since bed bugs are not known to infest bathrooms, you’ll need to find out if more are in your bed.
- Nevertheless, do a thorough bed bug inspection of your entire home and watch out for these: early signs of bed bugs.
- Hence, if you live in an apartment building, ask your neighbors above and below you for signs of an infestation.
Booklice are tiny, greyish-brown bugs that are attracted to moisture and mildew. Furthermore, you’ll find them in the bathroom, where they feast on the build-up of mildew. They are not known to spread disease, but their presence in large numbers can be frustrating.
Learn all about booklice here.
How to Identify
- Size is 1mm to 2mm.
- Booklice are translucent white to greyish brown.
- Booklice do not jump but can dash. They are often mistaken for bugs that look like bed bugs.
How to Get Rid of Booklice in the Bathroom
- Check for leaks, since booklice like moisture.
- Seal up all holes and crevices where pipes and electrical wires come into the wall.
- Most importantly: Use a dehumidifier to reduce humidity.
House Centipedes
House centipedes are beneficial creatures that eat other pests in your home, such as spiders, silverfish, and cockroaches. However, they can still be frightening to some people because of their many legs and fast movements.
How to Identify
- Size is about 30-40 mm (1-1.5 inches), but due to their long legs, they appear much bigger.
- The legs have banded light and dark stripes.
- They are a greyish-dark yellow.
How to Get Rid of Centipedes in the Bathroom
- You usually don’t have to worry about removing house centipedes in your bathroom.
- Remember that seeing many of these bugs may mean you have a more significant issue with one of their prey species. Some of their main prey species are silverfish, cockroaches, and carpet beetle larvae.
Drain Flies – Moth Flies (Bathroom Bugs Identification)
Drain flies get their name because you find them around drains and other moist environments in the home. They are small, brownish insects that can be difficult to get rid of because they have hydrophobic hairs on their body that repel water. In fact, you can read all about the drain flies hydrophobic hairs here.
Keep in mind if you’ve seen them in your shower and tried spraying them with water, you understand that it will not work to wash them away. Instead, you may need to get your drains cleaned out.
In addition, their larvae live within your drains. Since the female can lay up to 100 eggs, killing the larvae is essential before an infestation happens. However, the larvae will also find hiding spots in the cracks in your grout or tiny spaces where your tiles are separating.
In order to truly get rid of drain flies you need to think about where the larvae are hiding. Sometimes grout degrades over time and leaves just enough space for a drain fly to lay eggs. Re-grouting your bathroom tiles may be the next step, if you’ve tried everything and still can’t get rid of them.
How to Identify
- The moth flies are about 1/8 of an inch.
- Their wings have fine hairs.
- These bugs tend to jump more than fly.
How to Get Rid of Drain Flies in the Bathroom
- Clean your drains with boiling water and baking soda.
- At nighttime, place a few drops of bleach down the bathroom drain where you see the flies.
- Hire a plumber to snake and clean your drains.
- Look for spaces in your tile or grout where the larvae may be hiding.
- Clean under soap bottles.
- Remove potted plants until you solve the issue.
Fruit Flies
If you’ve ever seen a fruit fly buzzing around your kitchen, you know how annoying it can be. These tiny pests often show up when fruits or vegetables are rotting in the trash can. But what about when they start appearing in the bathroom?
Notably, fruit flies in the bathroom can be a real nuisance. In addition, they’re drawn to the moisture and organic matter in bathrooms and can quickly multiply. Furthermore, if you start seeing fruit flies in your bathroom, there are many things you can do to get rid of fruit flies:
How to Identify
- The size is about 3 mm or 1/8th of an inch.
- They have red eyes.
- You’ll see them swarming around the fruit.
How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies in the Bathroom
- Clean up any organic waste or messes in other areas of the home as soon as possible.
- Use a screen on your bathroom window.
- Spray a diluted bleach solution on all surfaces, especially drains and windows.
- Place a fruit fly trap in the bathroom with apple cider vinegar and soapy water. For this reason, the vinegar attracts the fruit flies effectively, and the soapy bubbles cause them to get caught and drown.
German Roaches
If you have a lot of German cockroaches in your bathroom, it means you have an infestation. In addition, these pests like to live in moist, dark places, and a bathroom is perfect for them.
For this reason, they can contaminate your food, spread disease, and cause other problems. More importantly, if you see German cockroaches in your bathroom, it’s time to call a licensed pest control professional.
How to Identify
- The size of a German roach is 10 – 15 mm.
- In fact, they are fast-moving bugs with wings.
- A German roach is a light tan with two parallel stripes on its back.
How to Get Rid of Roaches in the Bathroom
- You’ll need to remove all moisture from the sinks and showers daily.
- Put out Advion gel bait, so they will eat it and return it to their nest.
- Sanitize the surfaces of your bathroom.
- Seal any cracks or crevices where roaches might be able to enter.
- Put away all food in the kitchen, and thoroughly clean and sanitize all surfaces to remove any food residue. Roaches can live off the tiniest drop of food residue that sticks to appliances.
In addition, many people misidentify lice as bed bugs. Notably, you may see lice in the bathroom on your towels. Whether you have a head lice or body lice issue, you can inadvertently put lice onto the towel you use after your shower. Lastly, learn more about the differences between lice vs bed bugs here.
How to Identify
- The size of lice ranges from 2-3.6 mm.
- Lice are slender and dark grey or brown.
How to Get Rid of Lice in the Bathroom
- Treat the source, which is your head or clothing.
- Wash and dry all towels that are in the bathroom.
- Put all of your bedsheets through the dryer as well.
There are a few reasons mosquitoes might find their way into your bathroom. First, they could be coming in through an open window or door. Mosquitoes are attracted to the CO2 we exhale, so they often linger near doors and windows, searching for a meal. Additionally, bathrooms are often humid environments, which mosquitoes prefer.
While it’s impossible to eliminate the risk of finding a mosquito in your bathroom, there are a few simple steps you can take to discourage them from taking up residence there. Learn more about mosquitoes and the answer to “can mosquitoes bite through clothes?” here.
How to Identify
- The mosquito Size ranges from 0.15– 0.4 inches long.
- You may see blood in the abdomen.
- Additionally, mosquitoes buzz, so you’ll likely hear them before they bite.
How to Get Rid of Mosquitoes in the Bathroom
- Keep windows and doors closed. Put screens on all windows.
- Make sure houseplants are not a breeding ground.
- Don’t let any leaks go unchecked.
Silverfish are small, wingless insects that love humid environments. Furthermore, they get their name from their silver-grey color and fish-like shape. While we commonly find them in bathrooms, you can also find silverfish in kitchens, basements (they are a common basement bug), and attics.
Why are they drawn to these places? Silverfish feed on mold and mildew, so bathrooms with poor ventilation are prime real estate. They also love humid environments, so kitchens and other rooms with high moisture levels attract silverfish.
However, despite their unsightly appearance, silverfish are harmless to humans and do not carry diseases. So while they may not be welcome guests in your home, they pose no threat to your health.
How to Identify
- A silverfish averages 10-14 mm without antennae and filaments.
- They are fast silver insects that scurry around.
How to Get Rid of Silverfish in the Bathroom
- Reduce the moisture level in your bathroom by opening a window or turning on the vent.
- Clean mold and mildew with bleach.
- Remove any food debris through frequent vacuuming. Silverfish are omnivores and can feed on book glue, paper, and carbohydrates.
Spiders eat other insects like mosquitoes, roaches, and silverfish. However, if you see a spider in your bathroom, it’s beneficial to leave it alone or put it outside. However, if you’re uncomfortable with having spiders around your home, there are a few ways you can discourage them from taking up residence in your bathroom.
How to Identify
- Spiders have eight legs.
- Most spiders will be near a web.
How to Get Rid of Spiders in the Bathroom
- Catch the spider in a jar and place it outside. Spiders are not known to infest your bathroom in large numbers like drain flies. Therefore it’s ok to leave one or two spiders alone.
If you’ve ever found tiny creatures crawling around your bathroom or window sill, chances are they were springtails. Additionally, these small, wingless insects are attracted to damp, humid environments, which is why we find them in bathrooms.
People often confuse springtails with fleas since they jump. Learn more about the differences between a springtail vs flea here.
Springtails feed on mold and mildew, so you may find them near leaking pipes or areas with high humidity.
Springtails usually travel in large groups, so if you see one, there are likely many more nearby. While they’re not harmful to humans, they can be a nuisance.
However, if you have a springtail infestation, the best course of action is to identify the source of moisture and fix it. In addition, fixing moisture issues will create an inhospitable environment for springtails and send them packing.
How to Identify
- The size of a springtail ranges from 1.5mm to 10mm. Most of the ones we see in homes within the US are under 4 mm.
- Furthermore, A springtail jumps when you try to catch it.
How to Get Rid of Springtails in the Bathroom
- Don’t overwater bathroom plants.
- Keep all sinks and tubs dry.
- Check for leaks in the walls.
- Reduce moisture and humidity. You can use a dehumidifier to help with this.
More importantly, termites might end up in your bathroom if your walls connect to the foundation. Set out some sticky traps to catch what you are seeing, then you can send it to your local pest pro for a proper ID.
Check out some of the differences between bed bugs vs termites! Sometimes people find a termite chewing on their bed frame, and they think its a bed bug.
How to Identify
- The termite size ranges from 3mm to 19mm. (1/8 of an inch to 3/4 of an inch)
- Termites look different depending on if you have the soldier, the worker, the Queen, or the reproductive type. The soldiers are usually darker and have large heads with mandible claws used for defense. Workers will be lighter in color and tend to avoid light. They work together to break down the wood and cellulose they feed on.
- Reproductive termites look like flying ants. They have wings, antennae, and a thorax shaped like an hourglass.
How to Get Rid of Termites in the Bathroom
- Repair all leaks in your bathroom since termites love moisture. Luckily termites don’t usually bite.
- Seal all cracks and crevices in the foundation of the house.
- Hire a pest company to do a full termite inspection and develop a comprehensive plan of attack.
Wood Roaches (Bathroom Bugs Identification)
I ended up with wood roaches in my bathroom because an oak tree was infested with them outside. Unfortunately, they were making their way through a first-floor crevice and ending up in a bathroom.
Meanwhile, wood roaches are not known to infest buildings. However, if enough of them are outside, a few will make their way in and start laying eggs.
How to Identify
- The wood roach size is between 12-30 mm.
- Their color will be light brown to very dark blackish brown.
- They fly and may even fly at your head if you are in the path of a light source.
How to Get Rid of Wood Roaches in the Bathroom
- Remove all clutter from the perimeter of your house. They will nest in piles of clutter.
- Fill any cracks and holes around your doors, foundation, and windows.
- Look for the source and kill as many as possible with a soapy water spray. The soapy water will suffocate them, and they’ll keel over and die.
- Treat the perimeter of your house with a safe repellent like Wondercide.
How To Get Rid of Bathroom Bugs?
The first step to get rid of bathroom bugs is identifying what type of bug is in your bathroom. Then come up with a comprehensive plan of attack. Regular vacuuming, disinfecting, and dehumidifying will eliminate most bathroom bugs before they infest.
How To Get Rid of Red Worms in Bathroom?
If you see red worms in your bathroom, you’ll need to check the drainage system in your home. Washing the worms down the drain will not solve the problem.
Immediately call a plumber and discuss the red worm in your bathroom. Furthermore, you may need to seal up tiles and ensure your drains are working correctly. In the meantime, clean and scrub your bathroom so you kill off any eggs that may have been laid.
How To Get Rid of Ants in a Standup Shower?
- Look for the source by investigating the walls in the bathroom.
- Set up Terro ant traps anytime the shower is not in use. It would be best not to use this shower for 4-7 days and let the ant traps do their magic.
List of Little Black Bugs in Bathroom
Some of these are not black but might appear black to the naked eye.
– Earwig
– Ant
– Spider
– Beetle
– Fly
– Drain flies
– Cockroach
– Carpet beetle
– Wood roach
– Box Elder Bug
– Termites
– Stink Bug
Furthermore, these pests can be controlled with regular vacuuming, disinfecting, baiting, and dehumidifying. You may also need to call a licensed pest professional in your area.
Toilet Bugs – What Bug Could Be Living in Your Toilet?
- Drain fly (moth fly) larvae
- Earthworms
- Roaches
- Roundworms
Final Thoughts for Bathroom Bugs – Identification
Specific bugs are attracted to different places in the bathroom. For example, if you see jumping bugs near the shower, they might be drain flies. Furthermore, if you see a reddish bug near the hamper, it might be a bed bug. By noting where you see bathroom bugs, you can better understand what kind of bug you’re dealing with.
Furthermore, to help you out, we’ve compiled a list of common bathroom bugs and their identifying features. Lastly, next time you spot a critter in your home, bathtub or laundry room, consult this list to help narrow down the possibilities.