Mites that bite are a common cause of itchy skin. Whenever people think about bugs that bite, they often think it’s bed bugs or mosquitoes. But there are other bugs, like mites, that bite humans too.
Many mites get into NYC apartments due to pigeons or starlings nesting on the AC unit. We even helped ID a few bird mites with people keeping backyard chickens. Also, it could be mites if you have chickens and get unexplained bites. Most of these mites are worldwide, so you may encounter them no matter where you live.
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Here are five examples of mites that bite people, plus some extra ones that focus on pets:
Bird Mites [Mites That Bite]
Bird mites are tiny blood-sucking parasites that live on and with wild birds. Two main types of bird mites bite humans. One is the northern fowl mite (Ornithonyssus sylviarum), and the other is the chicken mite (Dermanyssus gallinae). Plus, there is a tropical version of the northern fowl mite (Ornithonyssus bursa).
Let’s go into detail about each biting bird mite.
The Northern Fowl Mite (Ornithonyssus sylviarum)
These mites are prevalent in poultry farms worldwide. The thing to keep in mind is that they are easily spread and transferred to wild birds like pigeons and starlings.
Furthermore, the mites can even make their way into human homes, where they can feed on the blood of humans. The good news is that they cannot complete their lifecycle on human blood. So, their lifespan is limited.
Identification of Northern Fowl Mites
The engorged female mites will measure 1mm, and they’ll be a deep red to grey color. The color and size are why they are often mistaken for baby bed bugs. These mites will have visible needlelike mouthparts and 8 legs.
The Chicken Mite (Dermanyssus gallinae)
The chicken mite is a widespread parasite found in poultry farms. This mite species prefers to feed on chickens and other domesticated birds, but it will bite humans if it finds itself inside. Unlike the northern fowl mite, the red chicken mite does not stay on the bird.
According to Dr. Krecek’s parasitology book and the entomology department at the University of Florida, the Dermanyssus spp mites can live up to 8 months without a host. They are known to sit and wait until a suitable host is available.
More importantly, these mites can bite humans when you come into contact with a bird’s nest or have birds nesting around your home. They can get in through your windows or cracks and crevices, and they’ll come to your bed since that is where they’ll find a blood meal.
Furthermore, just like bed bugs, they prefer to feed at nighttime. Which is why they are also known as “night mites.”
Check our article for everything you need to get rid of bird mites.
Identification of Chicken Mites
The fully-fed female mites are about 1 mm in length. Like the Northern fowl mites, their color will range from grey to red, depending on when they last fed.
Rodent Mites (Ornithonyssus bacoti) [Mites That Bite]
Rodent mites (rat mites) can feed on the blood of many different hosts. When the rodents die off, the mites search for a new blood source. You may experience an outbreak of rodent mite bites if you use pest control methods to remove and kill rodents around your property.
An example is if your apartment is in the basement near the garbage area, there is a chance that there are rodent nests nearby. Most NYC buildings will try to control the rat and mouse population with baits. Once the rodents eat the bait and begin to die off, the mites will start to look for a new blood source.
The best course of action if you are trying to get rid of rodent mites is to vacuum, wash, and steam every few days. Doing these three things will help eliminate these mites that bite.
Identification of Rodent Mites
The rodent mite is about 0.3 mm in length and has a light yellow hue to its body. Its body shape looks like an oval when viewed from above, with forward-pointing pincers towards
Chiggers (Trombiculidae) [Mites That Bite]
Chiggers are the larvae stage of a type of mite called Eutrombicula. They hang out in tall grass and other vegetation and latch onto a human host when they come into contact.
Furthermore, chigger bites cause raised, red, itchy bumps on the skin. Read our full article on chiggers in beds to learn more in-depth answers to the question, “where do chiggers live?“
Identification of Chiggers
Entomologists Tim Gibb and Tom Turpin at Purdue University have noted that a chigger is no larger than 0.15-1.0 mm – so small, in fact, that you could fit up to half a dozen of them on the period at the end of this sentence! A chigger is a red mite in the larval stage, so it only has 6 legs. It will develop 8 legs once it transforms into an adult.
Itch Mites (Pyemotes tritici and others) [Mites That Bite]
If you thought itch mites were only a figment of your imagination, think again. These miniature creatures are invisible to the naked eye.
However, there are various species in the US.. One sort —the oak leaf gall mite— is believed to be responsible for numerous human bites across America’s midwest region. The leaf gall mites feed on tiny fly maggots.
All itch mites feed on the larva of other insects like stored food product insects. But if your skin comes into contact with them, you’ll experience uncomfortable itching and redness. Another type is the straw itch mite, which, as you guessed, infests straw.
Identification of Itch Mites
They are only 0.2mm long and are not visible.
Scabies (Sarcoptes scabiei) [Mites That Bite]
Scabies are human itch mites that burrow under the skin and lay eggs. These mites that bite can cause intense itching. Scabies is highly contagious, but they are not airborne.
If you have direct skin-to-skin contact, You’ll catch them from someone.
If a person is infected with scabies, their Doctor will likely prescribe a special cream to kill the mites. The Doctor will need to examine mites, eggs, or mite fecal matter under a microscope to make a definitive ID.
Scabies mites can be ID’d through skin scraping at your Doctor’s office. Many people mistake scabies for bed bugs bites, learn more about the differences between scabies and bed bugs here.
Scabies mites are tiny, so they can’t be seen with the naked eye. The female scabies mite is about 0.4 mm long and has a round, white body with four legs at the front and two shorter posterior legs. The male is slightly shorter and slimmer.
Identification of Scabies
To the naked eye, a scabies mite will look like black dots on your skin. Each mite will have 8 legs and present with rashes around the armpits, between the fingers, inner elbows, sides of the wrist, and more. You’ll need a skin scraping at a Doctor’s office for a positive ID.
Learn more about tiny bugs in the bed that are not bed bugs.
What Are Some Mites That Bite Our Pets?
You can find all of the information below in the reference book, The Merck Veterinary Manual.
Sarcoptes Scabiei var canis Mites – aka K9 Scabies
Sarcoptic mange is a zoonosis since it can transfer from animal to human. However, this canis variety of the sarcoptic mange mite will NOT transfer from human to human. Remember that you can keep getting infected with it if you repeatedly contact animals carrying this mite.
Nonetheless, the Demodex mange below is not transferrable to humans. So if you encounter an animal with mange, it’s essential to figure out which one they have you don’t catch it. The adult mites lay their eggs in tunnels within the epidermis. You can look at them under a microscope and see short stubby mites with round bodies.
Demodex Canis Mites – aka Demodex Mange
The Demodex mange mites don’t dig tunnels in the skin. Instead, they live in the hair follicles. In contrast to the sarcoptic mange mites, their bodies are elongated because they need to fit into the hair follicle. Shampoos, medicated lotions, and pills will help reduce the number of Demodex mange mites.
Cheyletiella Yasguri – aka Walking Dandruff
The walking dandruff mite will infest dogs, but some species attack cats and rabbits.
Furthermore, the mite is large enough to see against a dark background. One unique thing about these mites that bite is that they have big claws to scrape up and eat the skin. These mites that bite are in the zoonotic category because they can also attack humans.
Otodectes Cynotis – aka Ear Mites
Ear mites affect dogs, cats, ferrets, foxes, and even humans. They have long legs that protrude past the margin of their body. Ear mites feed on epidermal debris and tissue fluids. Even though they are not bloodsuckers, they are still awful parasite that needs to be treated.
Final Thoughts for Mites that Bite
If you have any itching or redness on your skin that does not seem to go away, it may be caused by a type of biting mite. Mites that bite are a common cause of itchy skin.
Scabies is the most well-known type of mite that bites, but there are other types of biting mites, including bird and rodent mites. Be sure to see a doctor if you think a mite may have bitten you so they can properly diagnose and treat the condition.