Carpet Beetle: Where Do They Come From and How to Get Rid of Them

A Carpet beetle is a common household pest you may not even realize lurks in your home. They are tiny insects that feed on various organic materials, including carpets, upholstery, clothing, and some stored food items.

Understanding what carpet beetles are and the signs of an infestation is the first step in addressing the problem. Your home is your sanctuary; keeping it free from carpet beetles is essential for maintaining a clean and healthy environment.

With the proper knowledge and tools, you can tackle this issue head-on and prevent future infestations. So let’s dive in and uncover everything you need to know about carpet beetles, larvae and how to send them packing!

Identifying A Carpet Beetle

Brace yourself because we’re diving into the world of carpet beetles! To deal with these critters effectively, you first need to identify them.

In this section, we’ll cover their physical characteristics and life cycles so you’re well-equipped to tackle your carpet beetle problem head-on.

Finally, since they are one of the typical “tiny black bugs in the bed,” you’ll want to learn to ID them! When you see a bug in your bed, your first thought may be “bed bugs,” but many other bugs can turn up in your bed, like carpet beetles.

Check out our comparison article to learn more about the differences between carpet beetles vs bed bugs.

Physical Characteristics

Carpet beetles come in numerous varieties, each with their unique appearance. Here are five types to keep an eye out for:

  • Varied carpet beetle (Anthrenus verbasci): Adult varied carpet beetles are tiny, around 2-3mm long, with a speckled appearance due to their black, white, and brown scales. They boast a rounded, oval shape.

Varied carpet beetle (Anthrenus verbasci) + larvae

  • Black carpet beetle (Attagenus unicolor): Larger than varied carpet beetles, these pests grow up to 5mm in length and, as their name suggests, have a solid black color with a dark brown to the black, slightly elongated body. It tends to lay more eggs than the other species of carpet beetles.

Black carpet beetle (Attagenus unicolor) + Larvae

  • Furniture carpet beetle (Anthrenus flavipes): Similar in size to varied carpet beetles, these household pests feature black, white, and pale yellow scales in a patterned design, bringing a touch of unwanted style to your home! Many of them will appear black due to their scales wearing off.

Furniture carpet beetle Anthrenus flavipes + Larvae

  • Common carpet beetle (Anthrenus scrophulariae): Growing up to 3mm in length, these critters showcase black and white patterned scales along with a unique tuft of hair resembling a tail—an unmistakable, unwelcome visitor. They’ll infest anything made with animal products (wool, feathers, or museum specimens)!

Common carpet beetle (Anthrenus scrophulariae) + larvae

  • Guernsey carpet beetle (Anthrenus sarnicus): With a size similar to common carpet beetles, Guernsey carpet beetles display a distinctive gold and grey patterned appearance. They’re only as typical if you live in England, but keep an eye out!

Do Carpet Beetles Have Wings?

Yes, carpet beetles do have wings. However, not all species of carpet beetles are capable of flight. Some species have fully developed wings and can fly, while others have reduced or no wings.

The wings of carpet beetles are typically covered with a hard, protective shell and are folded flat over the beetle’s body when not in use. Carpet beetles use their wings to move from one location to another and to search for food and mates.

Overall, the presence or absence of wings in carpet beetles can vary depending on the species, but many do have wings and are capable of flight.

Life Cycle

Understanding the life cycle of carpet beetles is essential for effective removal. Let’s break it down:

Eggs: Female carpet beetles lay a cluster of 40-90 tiny, white eggs in sheltered areas near where larvae can feed upon hatching. The amount of eggs a beetle will lay depends on their species. Furthermore, the carpet beetle eggs will take 6-20 days to hatch, depending on what species.

Larvae: Once the eggs hatch, larvae emerge in search of food. Larval is the stage where carpets, upholstery, and other belongings are damaged. Larvae shed their skins multiple times, producing tell-tale signs of infestation. Depending on the species and environment, the larval stage can last two months to a year!

Pupa: After reaching full size, the larvae pupate within the last larval skin or in a cocoon. This stage typically lasts from one to two weeks.

Adult: Adult carpet beetles emerge ready to mate and continue the cycle. Thankfully, adults usually feed on pollen and nectar, sparing your belongings from further damage. However, they do lay eggs in your home, perpetuating the problem!

Now that you’re familiar with the identifying characteristics and life cycles of carpet beetles, you’re one step closer to solving your infestation issues. Knowledge is power, and you’re on your way to victory over these pesky pests!

Where Do Carpet Beetles Come From?

Ever wondered where carpet beetles come from? Understanding their origin is crucial in controlling and preventing infestations.

Carpet beetles are naturally found outdoors, feeding on nectar and pollen from plants. They often find their way into your home through small cracks, gaps in doors or windows, or even hitching a ride on your clothes or pets.

When they get indoors, they will lay eggs close to fabrics and other things so the larvae can begin munching as soon as they hatch. Carpet beetles can also get into your car, the larvae will begin munching on any animal fabrics.

What Are Carpet Beetles Attracted To?

Carpet Beetle_ Where Do They Come From and How to Get Rid of Them

Carpet beetles and their larvae are inexplicably drawn to different types of materials found within your humble abode. Some of their favorites include:

  • Carpet and rugs
  • Upholstered furniture
  • Fabrics like clothing, bedding, and curtains
  • The cloth around the mattress and box springs
  • Animal products like fur, feathers, and leather
  • Dead insects

Given their diverse diet, it’s easy to see why carpet beetles can become a nuisance in your home. Reducing their access to these materials will make your home less appealing to unwelcome guests.

Reducing their ability to infest your bed with bed worms is why we suggest you put encasements on your mattress and box springs!

Now that you know where carpet beetles come from and what attracts them, you are better equipped to take steps to prevent and eliminate infestations in your home.

Signs of Infestation

If you’re worried about a carpet beetle infestation, these are some tell-tale signs to look out for in your home:

Damage to Carpets

Carpet beetles are known to cause damage to carpets, primarily due to their larvae which feed on natural fibers such as wool, blends, silk, and fur. If you notice small, irregular-shaped holes in your carpets, it could signify carpet beetle larvae munching away.

Additionally, look for tiny, cream-colored, or blackish larvae with tufts of hair and shed skin in the affected areas. These are indicators of an active infestation.

Carpet Beetles in Box Springs

Your box spring is another hotspot for carpet beetles to hide and lay their eggs. Check the seams and undersides of your box spring and the surrounding areas for any signs of carpet beetles or their larvae.

As in the case of carpets, spotting larvae or shed skins could indicate a growing infestation that requires immediate attention.

Other Household Items

Carpet beetles don’t limit themselves to carpets and box springs. They can also infest and damage other household items made with natural fibers. Look at your clothing, upholstered furniture, blankets, and even taxidermy for signs of damage.

Carpet beetles can go after cotton blended with wool or if the cotton is soaked with food, sweat, and oils. However, the beetles cannot digest cotton alone.

By inspecting your home for the signs above, you can catch a carpet beetle infestation early on and take appropriate action to eliminate these unwelcome guests.

What Causes Carpet Beetles?

What causes these annoying critters to invade your home? Let’s dive into the reasons and give you some practical tips on how to prevent them.

First, carpet beetles can find their way into your home through various entry points, such as open windows, doors, and wall cracks. They’re attracted to natural fibers, like wool, silk, and leather, and will be drawn to your home if you have many of these materials.

Second, not paying attention to larvae is one of the main reasons carpet beetles thrive in a home. The larvae are tiny and can quickly go unnoticed, but they are the ones causing the most damage. If you don’t spot them early on, your infestation may continue to escalate.

Third, not vacuuming enough can also contribute to carpet beetle infestations. Regular vacuuming helps to remove their food sources, such as pet hair, lint, and dust, which they feast on. You’re essentially inviting these pests to stay for dinner by neglecting to clean your carpets and upholstery!

Here are a few examples of how carpet beetles can find their way into your home:

  • Bringing in infested items from a yard sale or thrift store.
  • You unknowingly bring them inside on your clothing or belongings after being outdoors.
  • Hitching a ride on a pet that comes indoors.

All in all, taking preventive measures and being vigilant can save you from the headache of dealing with a carpet beetle infestation. Follow the tips above to keep your home carpet beetle-free and preserve your belongings.

Preventing Carpet Beetle Infestations

Keeping carpet beetles at bay is crucial to maintaining a healthy, clean home. In this section, we’ll look at various strategies to prevent infestations. See our article on how to use natural methods for carpet beetle infestation.

Proper Storage

Store your seasonal clothing, linens, and other items susceptible to carpet beetle damage in air-tight, sealed plastic containers or vacuum-sealed bags. Containers will minimize the risk of carpet beetles entering your belongings. Also, consider the following:

  • Using cedar or lavender sachets in your storage containers to deter beetles
  • Regularly inspecting your storage areas for signs of an infestation

Looking for Evidence (like Larvae)

Inspect any newly acquired textile items for signs of carpet beetles, such as larvae. If you spot anything suspicious, return the item or treat it with a heat box or freezer.

According to the University of Kentucky’s entomology department, you can place items in a freezer to kill carpet beetle larvae. Read up on it here.

Be vigilant about regularly checking your carpets, upholstery, and furniture for signs of infestation. Spotting the larvae or the shed skins will determine whether you have an infestation brewing.

Using a Steamer Like the Dupray Neat

Carpet beetles and their larvae are sensitive to high temperatures. Steam cleaning your carpets, upholstery, and other fabric items with a powerful steamer, like the Dupray Neat, can effectively kill any existing beetles and their eggs.

Furthermore, the heat from the steamer will also help loosen any dirt and debris, making it easier to vacuum up later.


Regular, thorough vacuuming is essential for preventing carpet beetle infestations. Make sure to:

  • Vacuum at least once a week, paying extra attention to areas that are hidden or hard-to-reach
  • Empty your vacuum and clean the filter regularly to prevent any eggs or larvae from escaping back into your home.

Following these preventative measures will help protect your home from carpet beetles and the damage they can cause.

How to Get Rid of Carpet Beetles

Now that you’ve learned what carpet beetles are, it’s time to discuss eliminating them effectively. There are two main approaches: non-chemical methods and chemical treatments.

We’ll review both, presenting you with options for a more comprehensive beetle-fighting plan.

Non-Chemical Methods

When dealing with a carpet beetle infestation, it’s always a good idea to start with non-chemical methods to minimize potential harm to your health and the environment. Here are a few easy-to-follow steps you can take:

  • Vacuum regularly: Vacuum your carpets, furniture, and any other areas where you’ve spotted carpet beetles. Dispose of the vacuum cleaner’s contents in a sealed plastic bag.

  • Steam cleaning: Steam cleaning with a Dupray NEAT steamer can kill carpet beetles and their larvae in carpets and upholstered furniture. Be sure to apply high heat, as these pests cannot survive above 120°F (49°C).

  • Remove infested items: For less-infested materials, consider washing them in hot water or placing them in a freezer if appropriate. You may consider eliminating them if you want to minimize them anyway.

  • Seal cracks and gaps: Seal any openings in your home’s walls, floors, or ceilings to prevent carpet beetles from entering and laying eggs.

Chemical Treatments

If non-chemical methods are insufficient, it’s time to consider chemical treatments. Always consult a pest control professional when wanting to go the pesticide route.

Remember, persistence and consistency are essential when dealing with carpet beetles. Combine non-chemical methods with chemical treatments for the best results, and don’t forget to watch for any signs of a recurring infestation. Good luck!

When to Call Professionals

While numerous DIY methods can help you tackle carpet beetles, there are times when calling in professionals might be your best bet.

Consider seeking expert help if:

  • You’ve tried multiple DIY solutions, and the carpet beetle infestation persists.
  • The infestation has spread to several rooms, indicating a severe problem.
  • You’re unsure of the insect species or suspect that there might be multiple pests in your home.
  • You’re dealing with allergies, asthma, or other health issues that might worsen due to the infestation.

When you call professionals, ensure they are licensed and experienced in handling carpet beetles. An expert exterminator will identify the source of the infestation and provide you with a practical, long-lasting solution.

Furthermore, the solution will often involve a combination of chemical treatments, steam cleaning, and ongoing monitoring to keep carpet beetles at bay.

So, don’t hesitate to reach out to professionals, as they can save you time and effort and ultimately help protect your home from further damage!

Final Thoughts on the Carpet Beetle

It’s easy to think of carpet beetles as harmless, but they can cause real damage if left unchecked. If you experience any symptoms outlined in this article, take proactive steps to prevent an entire infestation.

With effort and relatively simple measures, such as thorough vacuuming and laundering fabrics, you can rid yourself of these uninvited guests and enjoy your home without worry. Prevention is critical, so inspect any vintage clothing or items for signs of these pests before bringing them into your home.

Additionally, regular cleaning and maintenance are essential for eliminating any existing carpet beetles as well as preventing future infestations. Overall, this issue requires diligence to keep under control, but with a few simple steps, you’ll be able to reclaim your home’s peace of mind. Most importantly, remember — don’t let the bugs win!

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